26 Juli 2008

About Enchepalartos

Hi Guys, Do you know about Enchephalartos? Enchephalartos is the flower is kind of Genus. The Genus Enchephalartos is possibly and a number of others yet to be named. It is restricted to African continent with more than half the species occuring in South Africa. A significant number of species occur in the tropical regions of Central africa and East Africa and these have been the subject of much recent study, with new species still being discovered in remote areas. while some spesies of Encephalartos have a fairly wide distribution, others are remarkably localised and few are known to be restricted to a single river system or even a solitary hill.

The Genus Encephalartos was described by The Jerman botanist Johann Georg Christian Lehmann in 1834. The generic name, composed from the Greek words en, 'in', cephale, 'a head, and artos, 'bread, refers to the farinaceous, starchy material in the trunks of some species which is usedfor food by local native tribes.
Species of encephalartos can be recognised by their non articulate leaflets which are often spiny. other useful features include :

1. the suckering and clumping habitat
2. unarmed petionels and rhachises
3. chataphylls with deccurent bases pressent on the cone peduncles
4. seeds attached directly to the sphorophylls
5. the sphoronphylls of both sexes lack any homs or projections.

Habitat from Genus Enchepalartos are frequently found growing among rocks in mountainous regions but are also known from the lowlands, including coastal and near coastal scrubs. many species grow in open situations among grass but some favour the shelter of forests which may be sparse to dense. heavy frosts and snow, common occurres in the mountabious districts where the soulthem species grow, are unknown in the tropical and subtropical regions further north where the summers are hot and humid and the winters mild. A general rule ,most species of Enchephalartos adapt very well to cultivation. The majority of species prefer to grow in conditions of bright light or full sun but there are a few which require shade.

The majority of species of enchepalartos are primarily propagated from seed which should be sown soon after maturity. These take about twelve to eighteen months to germinate. Most species produce basal suckers and these can be transplanted readily if due care is given to carefull removal from the parent plant. A few species produce offsets from the trunk and these can also be used successfully for propagation. Although they lack roots these portions can be induced to grow if handled carefully.


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